Dear Smile E.
I have no support system. I mean absolutely nothing. How do I find one?
Dear Alone,
I can totally relate to being all alone. This disorder is no picnic especially when you have no support system. If you’re connected with a PCD clinic or are being cared for at a cystic fibrosis clinic you can ask to talk to their clinic social worker. The social worker can help aid in connecting you to resources. Also you could look into joining a church community, social community, or something like that to connect with others who might be a support system of sorts. A support group is also a great place to start. I know most PCD support groups are online and it’s okay to reach out to them. Have you checked out the Adult PCD Patient ONLY group on Facebook yet? Feel free to send me a private message of Facebook and I can help you find it.
Yours Truly,
Smile E. Turtle
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