October is PCD Awareness Month!
Thank you for joining us each day in October for our daily PCD trivia question! The answer to today’s question will be posted this evening at 9:00pm CST.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Running On Air for their daily PCD Facts this month. And a huge thank you to our followers for sharing everything PCD this month. PCD awareness begins with each of us! Please join us next Tuesday for the return of Tuesday Trivia here at PCD Smiles. #OctoberIsPCDawarenessMonth
We have several ways that you can donate to PCD Smiles;
Visit Smile E. Turtle's Amazon Wishlist; https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KNO9BAJR74I4?ref_=wl_share
Or; for more information on how you can donate, please visit our "Donation" page to check out our "Do & Don't policies at; http://portaltest.pcdsmiles.com/support-pcdsmiles/donations2
Or; to sponsor a PCD Smiles Cheer-box today!
Or; to get your “Official” turtle care ribbon gear today!
Thank you for your consideration!
#PCDsmiles #PCDstyle #PCDsmilesCookbook #PrimaryCiliaryDyskinesia #SmileEcove
#PCDawareness to help find a #cure4PCD!